Easy ways to get outside (even in winter) Video — featuring the Women’s Rab Nebula Pro Jacket


Anxiety is something that’s always been a part of my life however the last 18 months or so I have really been struggling with pretty serious and consistent bouts of it. I finally hit a tipping point and sought some help a few months ago and am so glad I did. I wanted to share about this because one of the hardest parts about it all was that I felt too embarrassed to open up about the fact I was struggling as much as I was especially to those closest to me but once I finally started to talk about things it did get easier and maybe by writing openly about it now someone else might be encouraged to reach out to someone if they’ve also been having a hard time.

Besides speaking out and professional help, one of the biggest positive impacts has been making more of a conscious effort to spend time outside. It might sound obvious but during an anxious period it becomes super easy for me to stay inside (not to mention with the pandemic restrictions/lockdowns) and the longer I stay in the easier it is to convince myself that I don’t like the outdoors even though that’s not remotely true.

The winter months of course make getting out more difficult due to lower temperatures, less daylight, and a whole lot more rain here in the UK. I decided to embrace the saying “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing” which led to an online hunt for a better jacket that would keep me warm for hours at a time and also be able to handle a bit of rain if the skies decided to open up and I didn’t have an extra layer with me. The Rab Nebula Pro Jacket seemed to tick all the boxes for the weather aspects I was looking for and also wouldn’t be an allergen concern (I’m annoyingly allergic to down and wool). I chose the colour Ruby as it is super vivid so when we are eventually allowed to travel outside of our postcodes again it’ll be great for staying visible in the highlands.

Since my jacket arrived I’ve been going on longer walks and comfortably am spending a lot more time outside which has certainly boosted my mood. I have been doing a lot of reading up on Ecotherapy and general benefits of being outside for your mind/mental health to gain a better understanding on why it makes such a positive impact. I’ve also been fairly fond of adopting certain “Forest Bathing” techniques for my outings, mainly taking things slow and doing lots of thoughtful observations of my surroundings. You certainly don’t have to do “Forest bathing” or to go on long walks, runs or do great physical feats to reap the benefits of being outside. You can get a boost whether it’s just spending time in your garden, going a 10 minute loop around the block, sitting amongst some trees, wandering through the park with a cup of tea, reading, listening to a podcast, or going for a walk with friends.

Video shot an iPhone 7 plus